Action Display
Open Actions On-chain, explicit, and immutable. Embedded through smart contract. Un-opinionated, determined by individual apps based on action.
Frames Determined by URL that is re-directed to after button press. Determined based on embedded URL.

Open Actions

Open actions are smart contract calls that are embedded into a publication. A Lens Publication can be a post, comment, quote, or mirror. The open action defines the action module (such as tipping) and parameters which makes the action unique to a publication (such as the tip receiver address).


Example - Tipping Open Action

Create a publication and attach this module to enable tips to be collected to a receiver address.



Smart Contract



Frames are a way to embed an interactive image and buttons into a post. If a post contains a URL which contains special OpenGraph (og) tags the image and button(s) are embedded into the app. When a button is pressed it sends a POST request to either the original URL or a custom defined fc:post-url , this endpoint can validate that the request originated from a Farcaster fid, perform any action, and can update the image and button(s).

Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 3.36.36 PM.png

Example - Farcaster Poll

Embed a poll in a post with votes validated by Farcaster fid.

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 8.07.51 PM.png